League of Women Voters of Texas and League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area both urge eligible Texas residents to register and to use available resources ahead of 2022 elections, including March party primaries, May local elections and the November general elections.

“As a statewide volunteer grassroots organization, the League has the unique boots-on-the-ground strength to empower voters and defend democracy in Texas,” LWV Texas President Grace Chimene said in a message to supporters.

According to organization officials, LWV Texas encourages voters to use Vote411.org, the League’s web-based guide where a resident may enter their address, and only the races on their local ballot will pop up.

The interactive guide includes several nonpartisan questions that readers may use to compare their positions on important issues.

Users may also use Vote411.org to check a box next to their preferred candidates and print out a list to take with them to a voting site.

Additionally, LWV Texas officials said they are producing a voters’ guide with basic information about candidates in March 1 Republican and Democratic primaries and the candidates’ stances on select issues.

LWV Texas said the voter guide will be available on the organization’s website, www.lwvtexas.org, with free hard copies in public libraries up to two weeks before the start of early primary voting on Feb. 14.

Glenda Wolin, vice president of voter services with LWV of the San Antonio Area, said allowing candidates to present unedited responses to questions about important issues is one of her nonpartisan organization’s defining activities.

“The upcoming primaries are important elections and the ballots are long, so preparation is essential,” Wolin said.

“Being able to go online to Vote411.org or to a public library to get a printed voters guide before early voting begins enables voters to cast their ballots knowing which candidates are most closely aligned with their own viewpoints. That way, their vote can truly be their voice."

LWV Texas also encourages unregistered Texas voters to register by completing an application available online at www.votetexas.gov/register/index.html, requesting a printed form to be mailed by the Texas secretary of state or visiting a local voter registrar.

A voter registration application must be completed and returned at least 30 days before the next election date, state officials say.

According to state law, a resident is eligible to register to vote if they are a U.S. citizen, a resident of the county where the application is submitted, at least 17 years and 10 months old and are 18 on Election Day, and are not a convicted felon.

Additionally, the LWV Texas website features information on new election laws passed by the Texas Legislature in 2021.

Those new election laws include using a Texas driver’s license number or ID card number, Social Security number and Voter Unique Identifier number to update registration online at https://txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/sos/SOSACManager.

Another election law change allows voters without a residence to put the street address of an agency where they receive aid into the residence address space on the registration form. Jan. 31 is the last day to register to vote in the primaries.

“In 2022, the League will use every channel and opportunity to educate voters about the new Texas election laws so that Texans can overcome the barriers and confusion created by the new election bills,” Chimene said.

According to the Texas secretary of state, Feb. 25 is the final day of early voting for primaries. March 1 is the final day to receive a primary ballot by mail. Any primary runoffs will be held May 24.

Filing for May 7 city and school board elections will be held Jan. 19 through 5 p.m. Feb. 22. April 7 is the final day to register to vote for the May elections. Early voting will take place April 25-May 3.

Jan. 1 is the first day to apply for a mail-in ballot ahead of the Nov. 8 general election. Filing for the November general election takes place July 23-Aug. 22.

Oct. 11 is the last day to register for the general election. Early voting will be held Oct. 24-Nov. 4.