The big picture
According to a news release, the SIP directs the state to implement vehicle inspection and maintenance requirements in Bexar County. The inspection and maintenance program in the Greater San Antonio area will help the state reach Clean Air Act requirements through the identification and maintenance of vehicles with malfunctioning emission control systems.
“The Clean Air Act lays the groundwork for one of EPA’s most important core responsibilities—to improve air quality for all Americans,” said Scott Mason, the EPA South Central Regional administrator. “EPA will continue to work with the state of Texas to develop sensible plans for addressing air pollution and helping San Antonio meet air quality standards.”
The backstory
San Antonio was reclassified by the EPA from marginal to moderate nonattainment of the 2015 ozone standard of 0.07 parts per million in 2022. This standard requires the state to revise part of its SIP to help reduce emissions from vehicles that contribute to the formation of ozone.
The approved revisions to the SIP expands the state’s existing inspection and maintenance program. As part of the program, Bexar County will implement annual on-board diagnostics testing of gasoline-powered vehicles between 2-24 years old. This requirement must be fully implemented in the county by Nov. 7, 2026.
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