Two candidates are vying for the Place 1 Hollywood Park city council seat.

What you need to know

Community Impact reached out to the seven candidates who will be on the ballot.

Candidates running for the Hollywood Park City Council Place 1 seat were asked to complete a questionnaire from Community Impact. They were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

More information on the May 3 election can be found on the Bexar County Elections Department's website.

Jim Rodriguez

Experience: Licensed Professional Engineer in Private Practice with my own Consulting Engineering Firm – 40 years.

Occupation: Business Owner

Candidate Website: N/A

Contact Information: N/A

Why are you running for office, and what is the one central issue you wish to address?

I am presently serving the unexpired term of the individual that is now Mayor (Chester Drash) since May 2024. I applied for the vacancy because I had concerns regarding the maintenance and repair of our streets and town facilities. Previously, I had been in contact with City Council Members to express my concerns…

How would you establish a hiring process for department heads?

Actually, this was recently settled through a revision to a City Ordinance and changes to the Personnel Policy Manual at the January 2025 Council Meeting, which now requires a committee comprised of Department Heads, in similar positions from other municipalities, as well as at least one Council Member and others…

How can Hollywood Park city government best serve the community?

By continuing to provide first rate police and fire protection, by keeping streets and town facilities well maintained and repaired, keeping government efficient and customer oriented, and at the same time keeping our tax rate as low as possible.

How would you create transparency within Hollywood Park’s government?

Continue holding City Council Meetings on YouTube, publishing minutes on the website, communicating department performance statistics on the community newsletter (”The Sparks”), being available to respond to emails and other communications from residents, and being available to talk to residents at community events about their concerns.

How would you balance the individual needs of residents with the needs of the community at large?

Sometimes the “squeaky wheel gets the oil” and when a resident has an issue that is legitimate, it needs to be responded to quickly. However, the Council needs to be vigilant to not make widespread ordinances just to satisfy a small group and not create issues for the community at large…

Alan Sale

Experience: Appointed member of Hollywood Park EDC since 2022, EDC President

Occupation: Community Development Professional

Candidate Website: N/A

Contact Information: N/A

Why are you running for office, and what is the one central issue you wish to address?

The driving force for me to run for City Council is to expand my current level of service to our community, which has been such a welcoming place for my family since moving here. My driving goal is ensuring that Hollywood Park is a welcoming place for families.

How would you establish a hiring process for department heads? With the vacancies in several department head positions recently, consistency is key.

I want to ensure that new hires have the desire and ability to serve Hollywood Park as an integral part of the long-term improvement plan of our community.

How can Hollywood Park city government best serve the community?

Hollywood Park has a growing population of school-age families. The city government should endeavor to support programs that will retain and attract this population for the well-being of our town. This calls for us to develop and implement projects that improve parks and public facilities.

How would you create transparency within Hollywood Park’s government?

Communication is key. I would like to encourage greater attendance at Hollywood Park Committee meetings, improve methods for residents to communicate their concerns, and expand and facilitate opportunities for new and current residents to become engaged and involved with our wonderful town from moving in and throughout their residency.

How would you balance the individual needs of residents with the needs of the community at large?

It is important to look at solutions to issues from the lens of “how can we best help our city as a whole?” I would seek to gain insight into all needs and ways to engage our and other’s resources in order to leverage solutions to all our challenges.