There will be one contested Hollywood Park City Council race, based on filings submitted by the Feb. 14 deadline.

Additionally, there will be two uncontested City Council races.

The details

Two candidates have filed to represent Place 1 on City Council.

Incumbent Jim Rodriguez is running for reelection as Place 1 council member. Rodriguez is a local business owner who was first appointed to Place 1 on May 21, 2024. As Place 1 council member, Rodriguez was originally appointed to fill the remainder of Mayor Chester Drash’s term after Drash ascended to the position of mayor.

Alan Sale is also running for the Place 1 seat. Previously, Sale was one of three applicants in 2024 to express interest in serving in the Place 1 seat.

Mayor Pro Tem and Place 3 council member Dale Randol is running unopposed for reelection, and Place 5 council member Glenna Pearce is also running unopposed for her seat.

What to expect

The election will be held May 3. Once elected, council members serve two-year terms.