Two candidates are running to represent District 121 of the Texas House of Representatives—Marc LaHood of the Republican Party and Laurel Jordan Swift of the Democratic Party.

Community Impact reached out to the candidates to get their perspectives on their priorities if elected.

What you need to know

District 121 covers north-central portions of Bexar County.

Early voting starts Oct. 21. Election Day will be held Nov. 5.

Candidates were asked to limit their answers to 50 words and asked to address the question and not attack other candidates. Answers may have been cut or edited to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Laurel Jordan Swift

Experience: Life-long resident of 121, bachelor's degree in biology from UTSA, career in medical sales, five awesome kids

Occupation: Medical sales

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 210-765-5507

What is the most important issue facing your constituents in the coming legislative session and how do you intend to address it?

We need to prevent the voucher/ESA plan from passing. Texas is 44 out of 50 states in per student funding. Giving taxpayer dollars to corporate private schools, who would have no accountability standards, would ensure profits were the priority. This would decimate public schools, and there would be even ...

What other issues are a high priority for you?

1. Expanding Medicaid. This would provide healthcare for 1.6 million low income Texans, with 90% of the cost covered by the federal government. It would prevent rural hospital closures, and prevent us from having to subsidize local hospitals with our property tax dollars. 2. Repealing the abortion ban. ...

School districts are struggling financially due to a number of factors. How will you approach school funding in the next session?

Texas has the second largest economy in the state, a $15B rainy day fund, and a budget surplus of over $30B. We can afford to fully fund public schools. I would start by basing funding on enrollment, rather than attendance. ...

Texas faces a housing shortage which in part is driving up the cost of housing. What policy solutions are you exploring?

We need to think outside the box. We will likely need to make some zoning changes, to allow for more residential development. Find ways to convert unused office space into residential space. We should require more affordable housing be constructed when any new development is approved. ...

Marc LaHood

Experience: Business owner, criminal defense attorney, proud husband and father, lifelong HD 121 resident

Occupation: Criminal defense attorney

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 210-405-1000

What is the most important issue facing your constituents in the coming legislative session and how do you intend to address it?

Border Security: Last session the legislature appropriated a record $5.1 billion for border security. Illegal crossings are down 74%, but we must appropriate more in the next session to ensure our law enforcement and state guard have the resources they need to get the job done and uphold the law.

What other issues are a high priority for you?

Property tax relief is another top priority. The relief appropriated by the legislature expires at the end of 2024. Property taxes will skyrocket heading into 2025 if the legislature does not continue to send budgetary excess back to the taxpayers. Parental empowerment in education is another major priority.

School districts are struggling financially due to a number of factors. How will you approach school funding in the next session?

I am running for office because I fear the world we are leaving for our children. Education is one of the biggest factors in a child’s success. I will ensure that ISDs, charters, privates and home schools have the resources they need. Parental empowerment in education will significantly help.

Texas faces a housing shortage which in part is driving up the cost of housing. What policy solutions are you exploring?

With any shortage, demand outpaces supply. We must both reduce demand and increase supply. Illegal immigrants contribute to the demand factor—another reason we must secure our border. We also need to look at zoning and other regulatory features that are reducing housing supply by stunting new construction.