Following a Feb. 10 vote to close three schools, Northeast ISD officials said they have taken multiple steps to ensure students and families affected by the campus consolidation process have a smooth transition.

With a number of factors affecting NEISD, such as falling enrollment, facility maintenance costs, lower birth rates and rising housing costs, district officials voted to close Driscoll Middle School, Wilshire Elementary School and Clear Spring Elementary School for the 2025-26 school year.

What you need to know

Aubrey Chancellor, NEISD’s executive director of communications, said on Feb. 12 the district sent counselors to the three affected campuses to offer students and staff support. Additionally, district officials sent school choice letters to impacted families, including students who would’ve attended Driscoll Middle School, as well as magnet and extension letters.

Chancellor said the district received 220 school choice applicants as of Feb. 26, and four Driscoll students applied to magnet programs as of Feb. 28.

Transition steps also included:
  • Sending out another email for students to select their second and third school choice option
  • Human resource personnel visiting impacted campuses to answer staff questions
  • Establishing multiple communication avenues with impacted families
  • Sending welcome letters from new principals as well as dates for welcome events, elective fairs and campus tours
Meeting highlights

District 2 trustee Tracie Shelton asked if the deadline for school choice was different for impacted families.

District officials said the timeline for school choice will be the same as the rest of the district and will end July 25.

District 7 trustee Marsha Landry asked for clarification on when students would be notified of their school choice and when employees would also be notified.

District officials said notifications for school choice typically go out sooner than the July 25 deadline and are expected to be sent in late April or early May.

NEISD Superintendent Sean Maika said impacted staff would receive notification of placement as soon as possible, with some being placed in new schools by April.

Stay tuned

District officials will continue to coordinate the transition for all staff and impacted families, using multiple forms of communication. The board of trustees will receive a monthly progress report throughout the consolidation process.
