As part of the 2022-27 Bond Program, San Antonio city officials are adding improvements to Friesenhahn Park and will construct the new Buchsenschutz Park.

The overview

According to city documents, city officials will construct general park improvements in Friesenhahn Park, and will develop and construct the New Buchsenschutz Park, which may include land acquisition and adding site amenities using available funds.

Friesenhahn Park improvements may include:
  • Adding parking and access at Classen Road
  • Improving the pond
  • Expanding parking at O’Connor Road lot
  • Trail connection to New Buchsenschutz Park
New Buchsenschutz Park development may include:
  • A new 6-foot-wide concrete trail along Briarcrest Drive
  • New parking lot
  • Raised walkway with railing and culverts below
  • Trail connection to Friesenhahn Park
Both projects are in the design phase, with construction estimated to begin in spring 2025 and be completed winter 2026.