Jazz’SAlive, the San Antonio Parks Foundation’s annual jazz music benefit, will be the first major event held in Hemisfair’s soon-to-open Civic Park.

The bottom line

Scheduled Sept. 29 and 30, Jazz’SAlive is expected to lure thousands of festivalgoers, who will also get to check out the newest public recreational space that is part of the Hemisfair redevelopment near downtown.

Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corp. officials gave media and other guests a sneak preview Aug. 29 of Phase 1 of Civic Park, which will have a tree-lined promenade, five interactive water features collectively called The Springs and a great lawn that will accommodate a variety of large-scale happenings. The promenade will connect the Civic Park with the existing Yanaguana Garden.

Did you know?

HPARC officials are overseeing redevelopment of another sector of Hemisfair that will have a mix of additional retail and residential space.

What’s next

HPARC officials are inviting the public to a grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon Sept. 30 at The Springs, 630 E. Nueva St., San Antonio.

Meanwhile, the city’s Historic Design Review Commission on Sept. 6 approved the design for Phase II of Hemisfair’s Civic Park.

Set to open in late 2024, the second phase of Civic Park will include an extension of the promenade, a wide tree-canopied paseo, the Zocalo, a hard-scaped elevated area north of the Great Lawn, Source Plaza and the Mural Overlook, a landscaped area to view Juan O’Gorman’s A Confluence of Civilizations mural.

Hemisfair officials said Source Plaza, planned at East Market and South Alamo streets, will be one of the main entry points into the Hemisfair District. Source Plaza will extend the Promenade, a tree-canopied walk, to link Civic Park to Hemisfair’s Yanaguana Garden.