J. Philippus Art Studio and Gallery, 1846 N. Loop 1604 W., is offering up to 50% off most classes and 50% off art pieces ahead of a planned permanent closure May 31.
Jeanne Philippus, owner of the north San Antonio business, announced on her studio’s social media channels that she was shuttering their doors so that she and her family can spend more time together and do some traveling.
The December 2021 North San Antonio edition of Community Impact featured J. Philippus Art Studio and Gallery, which offers classes where guests are guided in creating their own resin, glass or pourable acrylic art work.
Philippus said she will continue to paint and do commissioned art after May 31. In the meantime, in addition to classes and artwork, Julie Los-brand jewelry and gifts are being sold at 25% off.
210-474-0440. www.jphilippusart.com