New Braunfels Utilities began upgrading its water line infrastructure along Landa Street and Elm Street on Jan. 13, according to a news release.

The details

The $565,599 project includes replacing approximately 500 feet of an 8-inch water line with a 12-inch line along Landa Street, from Landa Park Drive to the bridge at Dry Comal Creek. These upgrades will continue to help improve service reliability and system resiliency to ensure capacity for future demand, the news release states.

What you need to know

Most work will occur within the Wurstfest property area to avoid traffic disruptions. The right-turn lane from Landa Street to Landa Park Drive will be closed; however, drivers can still make right turns from the nearby through-lane, according to the news release.

Construction on Landa Park Drive will take place from 9 p.m.-6 a.m., and there will be only one-way traffic, the news release states.

Looking ahead

The project is slated to be completed by early May.