Here are three transportation projects are currently underway in and around the New Braunfels area.

Road improvements on FM 725

Project: On FM 725 from Zipp Road to FM 78 in McQueeney, the Texas Department of Transportation is working to widen the road from two to four lanes and install a median, sidewalks, and bike lanes.

Update: The project is currently under construction, according to TxDOT, and is expected to finish paving the final lift of asphalt by the end of June, if the weather permits.
  • Timeline: December 2021–June 2024
  • Cost: $10.38 million
  • Funding: TxDOT

Safety Improvements on Hwy. 46

Project: According to TxDOT, there is a project to install signal backplate and install signal head on Hwy. 46 from FM 3009 to Loop 337.

Update: The project is scheduled to commence this September, according to TxDOT.
  • Timeline: September 2024–TBD
  • Cost: $1 million
  • Funding: TxDOT

Traffic lights installation on FM 1044

Project: The city is working on installing traffic signals and making various intersection improvements at County Line Road at FM 1044, Schmidt Avenue at FM 1044, and Klein Road at Klein Way.

Update: The project is nearing completion, as it is in the final stages.

Klein Road Widening

: The city is working on installing traffic signals and making various intersection improvements at County Line Road at FM 1044, Schmidt Avenue at FM 1044, and Klein Road at Klein Way.

Update: The project is nearing completion, as it is in the final stages.