Design work on Adler Road in Boerne is still underway, with city staff expecting road construction to begin in 2026.

The Adler Road project was supported by voters in a 2022 bond election. Prior to the election, the road received a Pavement Condition Index score of 22 out of 100.

About the project

According to the city’s website, the entire reconstruction includes:
  • Widening the street to three lanes including a continuous center turn lane from Esser Road to Main Street
  • Ten-foot shared use path on the north side of the road with a five-foot sidewalk on south side
  • Roundabout intersection at Adler Road and Plant Street
  • Drainage improvements
  • New culverts at No Name Creek and Currey Creek

During the March 25 City Council meeting, Director of Engineering and Mobility Jeff Carroll said the culverts are completely designed with the plan to start the project in the summer.

This project is funded through American Rescue Plan Act funds from Kendall County and the city of Boerne.

The design for the expansion of the road is expected to wrap up in 2025, and construction is anticipated to begin in 2026. The project timeline has the reconstruction completed in 2028, should all phases go as planned.