Boerne officials and staff celebrated the groundbreaking of three road projects on Feb. 10.

The project includes West Blanco Road, West Kronkosky Street and Parkway drive, which will all be funded through bonds approved by voters in 2022.

The overview

The $1.1 million project will be completed by Bennett Paving LLC, with construction expected to take around one week per street, Communications Director Chris Shadrock said.

Work will include removing around 14 inches of the pavement on each street, and then rebuilding the removed sections to improve the pavement conditions.

According to the city’s website, each of these roadways had a low Pavement Condition Index, or PCI, rating. The lowest rating was for West Kronkosky Street, having a rating of five out of 100, while West Blanco Road had a rating of 18, and Parkway Drive had a rating of 20.

Construction will be done on the following road segments:
  • West Blanco Road from Main Street to West San Antonio Avenue
  • West Kronkosky Street from Main Street toward St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
  • Parkway Drive from Old San Antonio Road to the I-10 West frontage road