A new Boerne park is expected to begin construction in the summer, expanding open spaces for residents.

During the March 3 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, commissioners approved a major subdivision plat for Northside Community Park, which has been a developing park project for more than 15 years. The plat was approved under the consent agenda, which required no discussion from the commission.

The details

The park, located at the corner of Toepperwein Road and Adler Road, currently features a skate park and an open field that is home to a few soccer goals.

According to the P&Z agenda, the first phase of the community park is expected to include the construction of:
  • 2 multiuse fields
  • 2 covered basketball courts
  • 12 pickleball courts
  • All-inclusive nature-themed playground and splash pad
  • Walking trail
  • Dog park
  • Food truck park
  • Restrooms
The project is funded through bonds approved by Boerne voters in 2022, in a proposition totaling $13 million for park improvements across the city.

Alongside bond funding, the Parks and Recreation Department in January received $750,000 in grant funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

How we got here

The city of Boerne purchased the land as part of a 2007 bond election, according to city documents.

A 2009 conceptual master plan highlighted uses for the park space, and in 2010, the skate park was constructed. The master plan was last updated in 2022, revising the vision for the park.

In January 2024, P&Z unanimously approved a Drainageway Protection Zone variance for the parcel, according to the March 3 agenda.

With the park plat moving forward, the city inches closer to the construction of the new park, which is expected to begin in the summer.