Comparing 2023 and 2024, the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department saw a decrease in the number of traffic violations while having a slight increase in the number of calls for service.

Police Chief Todd Smith shared an annual report with City Council on Feb. 20, highlighting the most common incidents within the city.

Breaking it down

For traffic stops, the overall number of stops was down by 18% compared to 2023. Smith said this reduction is due to increasing compliance from the community alongside staffing challenges that may have led to reduced police presence.

Of all traffic violations, 80.4% of citations were given to non-residents and 73% of stops resulted in a warning, according to the annual report.

The majority of traffic violations were moving violations, representing around 74% of stops, while the remaining stops were for equipment violations or other violations. Smith said the most common cause for a moving violation was speeding.

By the numbers

Throughout 2024, a total of 4,217 calls for service were made, which is a 1% increase over 2023 call of service at 4,177 calls.

Smith said the top categories for calls of service were assisting Emergency Medical Service, alarms going off, suspicious activity and assisting the public.

The majority of incident categories in 2024 saw a decrease compared to 2023 numbers, with the only category seeing an increase in incidents being assaults. Smith said most assault incidents are isolated and should not cause concern for residents.

Categories that saw a decrease include:
  • Aggravated assault
  • Sexual offences
  • Emergency detention
  • Runaway/missing
  • Burglary
  • Larceny/theft
  • Custodial arrests
Notably, no aggravated assault or sexual offences were reported in 2024, resulting in a 100% decrease from the previous year, which respectively had three and two reports.

Smith said that there was not a single case of vehicle theft or burglary where the doors were locked and the keys not left in the vehicle.

“We didn’t have a single burglary of a residence where there was a forced entry,” Smith said. “Open garage doors continue to contribute to thieves gaining easy access.”

Moving forward, Smith said the police department will encourage more engagement with the community to help the residents of Fair Oaks Ranch work closely with the police department.