Each year, the police departments of Boerne and Fair Oaks Ranch partner with the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office to host the Citizen’s Law Enforcement Academy, allowing residents to get a better understanding of local law enforcement.

The overview

The academy begins March 19 and ends May 28, with classes held each Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.

Topics in the academy include:
  • Patrol procedures
  • Criminal investigation
  • Jail operations
  • Dispatch operations
  • Polygraph examinations
  • Justice of the peace duties
  • District attorney operations
  • K9 demonstration
  • Civilian response to active shooter events
Completion of the academy allows an opportunity to assist our local law enforcement agencies with many functions where civilian participation may be needed.

What you need to know

Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, and not all applicants are selected for the program.

Members of the Citizen's Law Enforcement Academy will be appointed at the discretion of the Academy Committee and must:
  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Live or work in Boerne, Kendall County or Fair Oaks Ranch
  • Be in good physical and mental health
  • Have no felony convictions
  • Have no domestic violence or sexual offense convictions
  • Have no conviction for a crime of moral turpitude
  • Have no class A or B misdemeanor convictions within the last five years
The Academy Committee, in its sole discretion, may reject any applicant or volunteer whose criminal background it deems unacceptable or questionable. This includes but is not limited to applicants with multiple criminal history entries, according to the application.

Applications can be found here.