The family-friendly community of Woodlands Pines is located off Will Clayton Parkway in Humble. It features various amenities, including a community pool and playground. The median home value in the community is $195,000, and homes spend an average of 31 days on the market. Additionally, Woodland Pines is located within Humble ISD’s boundaries, and it is near George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
Build-out year: 2020
Builders include: Liberty Home Builders
Square footage: 1,428-2,786
HOA dues (estimated): $412 annually
Amenities: swimming pool, park
Property taxes (in dollars):
Lone Star College System: 0.11
Harris County: 0.42
Harris County Department of Education: 0.01
Harris County Emergency Service District No. 46: 0.10
Harris County Flood Control District: 0.03
Harris County Hospital District: 0.17
Humble ISD: 1.52
Harris County MUD 278: 0.93
Port of Houston Authority: 0.01
Total (per $100 valuation) 3.3
Source: Neighborhood data provided by Kendra Lee, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene