Three Collin College leadership seats are filled as of May 21: two positions at the Technical Campus and one in the nursing program. Dr. Sherry Schumann was appointed as the executive vice president of Collin College, according to a press release. Schumann’s previous roles include interim executive vice president and senior vice president. She has also served as interim vice president and provost of the Plano Campus and associate vice president of the Distance and Weekend College. Schumann said she looks forward to playing a role in Collin College’s increase of institutional opportunities in the next couple years. “To be a part of [the change] and facilitate the college in moving forward is a privilege,” Schumann said. Dr. Bill King will serve as the vice president and provost of the Technical Campus. King previously served for three years as executive director of facilities and construction. Additionally, he held an executive director of auxiliary services position at Tyler Junior College. King started his role March 1, and he said his position gives Collin College a unique opportunity to serve the county. “We have not had a large impact on workforce programs,” King said. “This is the first of its kind within Collin County.” He said the county's growing population calls for an educated workforce in areas such as the automotive industry, collision repair, factory automation, construction management and more. In the nursing department, Dr. Jane Leach was appointed as dean of nursing. Leach served as division chairwoman of the nursing program at North Central Texas College from 2017-2019. She also served as coordinator of the Master of Science in nursing educator program as well as associate professor at Midwestern State University for 12 years. Leach is a certified maternal newborn nurse and nurse educator. As the licensed vocational nurse program begins, Leach said the program will provide students with mobility and a path in health care.