1. FM 1774 widening
James Construction Group is working to widen FM 1774 from two to four lanes from the Grimes County line to just north of FM 1486 in Magnolia. TxDOT officials said the project timeline was suspended due to an inadequate amount of dirt initially, but the project is still estimated to be complete in the third quarter of 2020. The project was 22 percent complete as of mid-February.
Timeline: July 2018-third quarter 2020
Cost: $18.5 million
Funding source: TxDOT
2. Superior Road bridge improvements
This project replaces the Superior Road bridge and the approaches to the bridge, which provide proper transitions between the roadway pavement and bridge, TxDOT officials said. The project is under construction by Forde Construction Co. and was 31 percent complete as of mid-February.
Timeline: October 2018-fourth quarter 2019
Cost: $1.1 million
Funding source: TxDOT
3. North Eldridge Parkway widening
Proposed improvements for the Harris County Precinct 4 project include widening North Eldridge Parkway between Spring Cypress Road and Westlock Drive from two asphalt lanes to a four-lane concrete boulevard with appropriate drainage. Precinct 4 officials said they plan to advertise this project for construction bids in the fourth quarter of 2019.
Timeline: TBD
Cost: TBD
Funding source: Harris County Precinct 4
4. Holderrieth Road extension
The Harris County project extends Holderrieth Road from Hwy. 249 to Calvert Road as a four-lane concrete pavement section. The project, originally set to be complete in the first quarter of 2019, is now slated to finish in the second quarter due to weather delays.
Timeline: January 2018-second quarter 2019
Cost: $6 million
Funding source: Harris County Precinct 4