On Sept. 18 the Grapevine City Council unanimously approved a contract of $49,700 to study the parking needs of the Dallas Road transit corridor in Grapevine. This section encompasses Dallas Road from Ball Street/William D. Tate Avenue to Texan Trail. “As we move through the planning process for the Dallas Road district, we’ve heard from Council and Planning and Zoning commissioners that there was a great concern for parking, especially due to the potential increase for development density,” Development Director Scott Williams said at the meeting. “For that reason, we have before you tonight a contract with WGI Parking Planners to take a look at what we have and what we will have.” The scope of this contract includes collecting parking and development data; meetings with staff, City Council and the planning and zoning commission, as well as stakeholders; identifying parking surpluses and deficiencies; estimating future parking needs; and measuring the potential for parking structures. Williams said WGI has conducted studies for other cities similar to Grapevine, including Georgetown. He said WGI officials also have ties to the company developing the current train station and Hotel Vin project in Grapevine. The project was met with overall approval from City Council. “We’ve had a lot of serious conversations about this, and we want to make sure we do it right,” council member Duff O’Dell said.