This east Round Rock neighborhood features a jogging path, a community pool, sports courts, a park and a playground.
Build-out year: 2007
Builders include: Pulte Homes, Wilshire Homes
Square footage: 1,466-3,602
Home values: $220,000-$374,000
HOA dues (estimated): $476 annually
Amenities: jogging/biking path, park, playground, community pool, sports courts
Schools: Blackland Prairie Elementary School, Ridgeview Middle School, Cedar Ridge and Stony Point High schools
Property taxes (in dollars):
City of Round Rock 0.4300
Williamson County 0.4265
Austin Community College 0.1008
Williamson County FM/RD 0.0400
Round Rock ISD 1.3048
Upper Brushy Creek WCID 0.0200
Total (per $100 valuation) 2.3221
*As of 1/29/18