Spring ISD is seeking feedback on two proposed 2018-19 instructional calendar options before its next board of trustees meeting Feb. 13. Here are the two plans:

Option A

First day of school: Aug. 16 First day of winter break for students: Dec. 21 Return to school: Jan. 8 Additional student holidays: April 1, 19, 22 Last day of school: May 30

Option B

First day of school: Aug. 15 First day of winter break for students: Dec. 19 Return to school: Jan. 8 Additional student holidays: April 19, 22 Last day of school: May 30 Both calendar options exceed the state guidelines that require school districts to provide at least 75,600 minutes of instruction. The 2018-19 Instructional Calendar Survey is located on the Spring ISD website at www.springisd.org/calsurvey. The deadline for participating is Monday, Feb. 12. The survey results along with a calendar recommendation will be presented to the board of trustees at the regular meeting at 7 p.m. at 16717 Ella Blvd., Houston, on Feb. 13.