What we reported

Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on southeast Texas in late August, dropping 1 trillion gallons of water—about 30 inches of rain in Tomball—over four days in Harris County, according to the Harris County Flood Control District. The region sustained major flooding in April and May 2016 as well.

The latest

Harris County officials are considering bringing a bond referendum totaling at least $1 billion to voters to provide funding for a variety of flood mitigation projects, including home buyouts across the county and Spring Creek area, HCFCD Director of Operations Matthew Zeve said. It would provide funding for projects otherwise unable to be completed due to lack of state or federal funds.

What’s next

Zeve said the county is working to compile bond materials for a special election in May. However, specific projects included in the bond referendum, the total amount, the election timeline and its effect on the property tax rate for county residents is a work in progress, county officials said in mid-December. This story is one update from the Annual Community Guide. View the full list of Top 10 stories to follow in 2018 here.