Update: San Marcos City Council will appoint members to boards and commissions on March 6. Original post: The city of San Marcos is looking to its community to fill its open boards and commissions positions for 2018. San Marcos hopes to fill more than 20 positions from volunteers in the community. Those interested in applying have until Jan. 31 to submit their application to the city clerk’s office. The volunteer forms are available at www.sanmarcostx.gov/boardsandcommissions and may be filled out and emailed to Tammy Cook at [email protected]. The forms may also be mailed to the city clerk’s office, 630 E. Hopkins St., San Marcos, or faxed to 855-246-9100. City Council is scheduled to review the applications and make appointments at the Feb. 20 meeting. Volunteers that are appointed will take their seats on March 1.

The following positions are open

* have special requirements for some or all positions Airport Advisory Board * Three open positions This commission provides advice and recommendations to City Council in matters regarding operations and improvements at the San Marcos Airport. Animal Shelter Advisory Board* Two open positions The Animal Shelter Advisory Committee consists of eight members: one licensed veterinarian, one city official, one person whose duties include the daily organization of the shelter, one animal welfare organization representative, one city or extraterritorial jurisdiction resident, one representative of the city of Kyle one representative from the city of Buda and one Hays County representative. The members will provide advice regarding the animal shelter and animal welfare. Arts Commission * Three open positions The Arts Commission consists of seven members. Five members must be city residents and two members may reside outside the city limits to provide oversight for the spending of city hotel occupancy tax funds for the promotion of the art. The members of this commission serve two-year terms. Citizen Utility Advisory Board* Two open positions The Citizen Utility Advisory Board is composed of five voting members. The board aims to have two members with experience as a licensed professional engineer or experience in the operation and management of public utility systems and two members with education and experience in finance or accounting. Construction Board of Adjustments of Appeals Five positions open The Construction Board of Appeals consists of seven members: an at-large member, a building design professional (such as an architect, engineer or designer), a commercial builder, a master electrician, a master HVAC contractor, a master plumber and a residential builder. The members of this board serve a three-year term to hear appeals and variances regarding building construction and related activities. Cemetery Commission Four open positions The Cemetery Commission consists of seven members that will help the council determine citizen expectations and give recommendations to council for budget, maintenance, projects and special programs at the cemetery based on these expectations. The terms of office of members will be for two years. Charter Review Commission * Six open positions The Charter Review Commission consists of seven members who reside in the city to inquire into the operations of city government under the city charter and recommend whether the charter should be revised. Civil Service Commission (City Manager appointment) * One open position The Civil Service Commission consists of three citizens appointed by the city manager and confirmed by the city council . A state-mandated commission, its members serve three-year terms and investigate matters relating to law enforcement appeals. Convention & Visitor Bureau * Seven open positions The Convention and Visitor Bureau consists of five non-voting ex-officio members and 14 voting members to advise and provide oversight for programs for the promotion of tourism of San Marcos both nationally and internationally. Economic Development Board * One open positions The Economic Development Board consists of 11 voting members and one non-voting member to provide advice to councill on economic development matters and policies. Ethics Commission * Four open positions The Ethics Review Commission consists of seven members who reside in the city to oversee the application of the city of San Marcos Code of Ethics concerning conflicts of interest, ethical conduct and financial disclosures of city officials and employees. Historic Preservation Commission * Three open positions The Historic Preservation Commission consists of seven members who recommend, promote and approve the appropriateness and integrity of the seven existing historic districts designed by the city of San Marcos. Housing Authority* Two open positions The Housing Authority consists of five San Marcos citizen members and one member who must be a public housing resident to advise council on ways to provide better housing for low-income families, eliminating substandard housing, and uplifting and encouraging self improvement of the community's low income families. Human Services Advisory Board * Four open positions The Human Services Advisory Board consists of eight San Marcos citizens with one non-voting member. Citizens must have a degree in social work or have experience in social service administration to develop and enhance human services in San Marcos by making recommendations to City Council for funding to human services agencies. The Human Services Advisory Board members serve two-year terms. Library Board * Four open positions The Library Board consists of seven members—with at least five residing in the city—to advise council on the continued development and improvement of the San Marcos Public Library. Main Street Advisory Board * Two open positions The Main Street Advisory Board consists of nine members. Six members must reside in the city with the remaining three owning or operating a business in the city. Members advise and recommend to council the goals and priorities for the Main Street Project. The Main Street Advisory Board members serve three-year terms. Neighborhood Commission * Five open positions The Neighborhood Commission consists of 13 voting members appointed by City Council to seek solutions to common neighborhood problems and issues. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board * Four open positions The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board consists of nine city residents that provide advice and recommendations to council in matters regarding acquisition, development, improvement, equipment and maintenance of all city parks, playgrounds and facilities. Planning & Zoning Commission * Three open positions Commissioners are appointed by City Council and serve a maximum of two 3-year terms, which expire in February. Commissioners filling a vacancy may be reappointed twice. San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth * One open position The commission implements strategies set forth in the Youth Master Plan, reviews progress toward meeting the goals, develops a process to recommend additional goals or refine existing goals, and ensures data for the Youth Master Plan priority indicators is collected on an annual basis and presented to City Council, the school board to the public. San Marcos Industrial Development Corp. One open position The San Marcos Industrial Development Corp. consists of seven members that consider and authorize the issuance of bonds for the purpose of promoting and developing commercial, industrial and manufacturing enterprises. San Marcos Youth Commission * One open position The San Marcos Youth Commission consists of 15 voting representatives that represent the voices of the youth in the community and advise elected officials and other policy makers about issues affecting and of interest to youth. Members also offer policy-making recommendations on issues affecting youth, identify youth issues that need community attention, and perform tasks and work on projects of the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth. Senior Citizen Advisory Board (staff appointed) Four open positions The Senior Citizen Advisory Board consists of seven members to act in advisory capacity to council on matters involving senior citizens in the San Marcos Community. All members must be city residents. The members of this commission serve staggered two-year terms. Sunset Review Commission * Seven open positions The Sunset Review Commission consists of seven residents of the city to advise city council concerning whether a public need exists for the continuation of all permanent city boards, commissions or committees. Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee * Two open positions The Veteran Affairs Advisory Committee consists of seven members. City Council appoints persons to the the committee who are residents of San Marcos and Hays County and are veterans or the spouses of veterans collectively representing the various war eras and veteran organizations existing within San Marcos and Hays County. All members are appointed for staggered three-year terms. Zoning Board of Adjustments  and Appeals* Three open positions The Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals consists of five residents and two alternate members who reside within the corporate city limits of the city of San Marcos to consider variances and special exceptions to the standards established in the zoning ordinances. Board members are appointed by council and serve a maximum of two 2-year terms which expire in February.