When Hurricane Harvey devastated the Texas Coast in late August, many home and business owners were left with damages to their properties.

O’Connor & Associates, the largest property tax consulting firm in the U.S., recently launched the Hurricane Harvey Property Tax Reduction Program. As part of the program, O’Connor works with both the home or business owner and the appraisal district to guarantee the appraisal district receives the information it needs.

“This program is absolutely free and we think it will be helpful to people,” said Pat O’Connor, president of O’Connor.

O’Connor’s program consists of three steps: report the damage to the county appraisal district, consult with property owners to ascertain whether repairs have been completed and review 2018 property record data in contrast with the 2017 data.

“All we are trying to do is coordinate,” O’Connor said. “The reason I think that what we are doing has value is that what we are doing has a process.”

With the three-step program, O'Connor is able to help property owners correctly appraise their homes, as property values have likely changed after the storm. O'Connor also helps transfer the information to the appraisal district.

Property owners should properly document damage by the end of the year. Those interested can call 713-686-9955 or visit https://www.poconnor.com/harvey-trp-signup/ to learn more.