This Hutto neighborhood has a variety of house options and is two miles south of downtown Hutto.
Build-out year: 2014
Builders include: Armadillo Homes, Castlerock Homes, Eaglewood Homes, Kimball Hill Homes
Square footage: 1,368-3,658
Home values: $185,000-$345,000
HOA dues (estimated): $120 annually
Amenities: N/A
Schools: Nadine Johnson Elementary School, Hutto Middle School, Hutto High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
City of Hutto 0.5204
Williamson County ESD 3 0.1000
Williamson County 0.4365
Williamson County FM/RD 0.0400
Hutto ISD 1.6655
Upper Brushy Creek WCID 0.0198
EWC Higher Ed. Center 0.0457
Total (per $100 valuation) 2.8279
*As of 11/22/17
Neighborhood data provided by Romeo Manzanilla
Realty Austin • 512-600-9366