Community Impact Newspaper hosted a
candidates' forum for the Klein ISD board of trustees race in October, but Spring ISD did not hold an election this year because the candidate for the open seat on the SISD board of trustees ran unopposed. We want our readers to get to know their representatives in local school and governmental bodies, so we shared our candidate questionnaire with SISD's newest trustee, Winford O. Adams Jr. Here is how he responded to our questions.
Winford O. Adams, Jr.
Number of years living in Spring ISD: 7
Experience: after-school instructor (three years), classroom teacher (six years), policy consultant/manager (six years)
Top priorities
· Staff/teacher development and compensation
· College and career readiness for all students
· Dual-language education
· Schools as family and community hubs
· Out-of-school learning time
What do you believe are the district’s greatest needs right now, and what will you do to address them?
I have learned in my 15 years as an educator that board members must act as a team to meet needs and accomplish goals districtwide. So, although I may have my wish list of items I would address if I were the king of the district, that’s not how the world works. As trustee, I must be thoughtful and intentional about “I” and “we” statements. What I can do is provide a perspective and voice that brings additional guidance, integrity, accountability and equity to Spring ISD.
I believe our district’s greatest need is the recruitment, development and retention of the best teachers and principals in Harris County. To that end, I will do everything in my power to make Spring ISD the most attractive opportunity for new and veteran teachers. I will push for competitive compensation and benefits, including health care benefits teachers can actually afford. At the same time, I will be a voice for accountability. Even as we are recruiting, developing and retaining the best teachers for our children, we cannot tolerate mediocrity.
What are the greatest challenges facing the district in the next five years?
I think the key imperatives in our district’s strategic plan, Every Child 2020, lay out our challenges pretty succinctly. I think the following three imperatives are our greatest challenges:
· We are challenged to reach every student, including and especially our ESL [English as a Second Language], special needs, and “reluctant learners.”
· We are challenged to provide excellence in every school. Even as we celebrate our successful campuses we must devote more resources to and demand measurable improvement and excellence from campuses that are not serving our children well.
· We are challenged to engage stakeholders in every community. We must do a better job of welcoming and listening to families and the community at large.