Concerns about the MCAD proposed budget and 9 other things you should know from the Montgomery County Commissioners Court meeting, June 27
The 2016-17 Montgomery County Commissioners Court, from left: James Noack, Jim Clark, Judge Craig Doyal, Mike Meador and Charlie Riley
Montgomery County Commissioners Court met Tuesday for its regular meeting. Here are 10 takeaways from the meeting.
- The commissioners tabled a preliminary budget increase for the Montgomery Central Appraisal District for lack of a quorum. Precinct 1 Commissioner Mike Meador and Precinct 2 Commissioner Charlie Riley would have to recuse themselves from voting on the proposed budget because of their involvement with the district, and Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack was absent from the meeting. The district has proposed a 16 percent budget increase, or about $1.84 million, in addition to its $11.54 million budget from 2017. Commissioners Court is one of about 65 entities that would have to approve the budget. County Judge Craig Doyal, Riley and Precinct 4 Commissioner Jim Clark said during the discussion of the agenda item they do not support the budget as proposed.
- Commissioners approved the participation of the Montgomery County sheriff's office in the Montgomery County Emergency Community District's 2017 PSAP Improvement Plan. The district will provide $100,000 to the MCSO communications department for equipment and facility upgrades.
- Commissioners Court approved $633,800 in funding for a parallel taxiway at the Conroe-North Houston Regional Airport. The funds represent the 10 percent local contribution amount for the project, which will receive the majority of its funding, about $5 million, from the Parallel Taxiway Construction Project. Airport Director Scott Smith said the taxiway is necessary to improve safety and efficiency at the airport, and the timeline for the project is being set by the Federal Aviation Agency's fiscal year.
- Commissioners approved a $1.39 million contract with Smith & Company for a widening of Bois D'Arc Road near Walden and Montgomery.
- The court approved changes in position structure and salaries at the Montgomery County attorney's office. County Attorney JD Lambright said the adjustments do not affect the fiscal year 2017-18 or FY 2018-19 budget for the department, which includes a 5 percent budget decrease in operation costs as directed by the Commissioners Court.
- The court approved the method of distribution of the $12 million disaster recovery grant to Montgomery County cities in relation to flooding damage from heavy rainfall in April and May 2016. Several mayors and city managers from local municipalities spoke regarding the need for the funds in their corresponding cities.
- Commissioners approved a resolution supporting proposed changes by Entergy Texas to its certificate of convenience and necessity to build a power station in Montgomery County.
- Commissioners approved a $1.05 million funding contribution for right of way acquisition for improvements on FM 1488. The cost represents a 10 percent local contribution for the project. The Texas Department of Transportation will contribute about $9.46 million in funds.
- Commissioners approved about $2.8 million in funding for construction of a proposed MCSO substation in west Montgomery County. Riley said he estimates the entire project could cost an estimated $4.4 million but said the $2.8 million in funds will get the process for building the substation started. The substation would be used to house detainees to reduce the number of trips law enforcement officials have to make to law enforcement facilities in Conroe on a daily basis.
- The court recognized the Montgomery County Historical Commission and its members for its contribution to Montgomery County residents.