The first major road resurfacing project in Volente’s history will begin in July to upgrade a portion of Lime Creek Road from Wharf Cove to Jackson Street, Mayor Ken Beck said. Work is scheduled to be complete by September, and construction will restrict traffic flow throughout the project's duration with one lane open at a time, Beck said. The work on Lime Creek Road launches Volente’s 20-year Street Rehabilitation and Maintenance Plan. The village developed the plan with HVJ Associates in 2016, taking an inventory of every road within Volente’s limits, prioritizing work that needed to be done and estimating costs. Then, the assessed road improvement and maintenance projects were scheduled over 20 years, Beck said. He said that during the first three years of the plan, most projects will be “really fixing things that have been deteriorated,” such as the major road resurfacing on Lime Creek Road. After that, the plan consists of maintenance like crack sealing to extend the life of the renovated roads. To pay for road construction, the village has established two funds. The first is a road maintenance fund that will be supported by the sales tax, Beck said. Currently, a portion of Volente citizens’ sales taxes go toward Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, but the portion will be redirected to road maintenance at the end of 2017, the mayor said. This is because Volente voted to no longer be a part of Capital Metro’s service area. Despite the fact the village did not receive Capital Metro services while paying the tax, the village owed Capital Metro a “net financial obligation” by state law, Capital Metro spokesperson Mariette Hummel said. Beck said Volente is on track to have paid off the financial obligation by the end of the year, and then the portion of the sales tax will be directed toward the first road maintenance fund instead. A second fund, supported by property taxes, has been dedicated as a buffer fund to overcome budget deficits or overspending. This plan allows for a flat tax allocation over the 20-year period despite fluctuating costs. Learn more by calling Volente City Hall at 512-250-2075 or by visiting