1. Affiliates of Family Medicine

503 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 100,  Conroe 936-788-1060 www.affiliatesoffamilymedicine.com

Family Practice Elena Garcia Leticia Garcia-Seay Simi Koshy April Rowe

2. June Chang, family practice and pediatrics

100 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 102, Conroe  936-756-9522

3. Yai-Yun Judy Cheng, obstetrics and gynecology

303 Longmire Road, Ste. 301, Conroe 936-539-4449

4. CHI St. Luke’s Health/Conroe Family Practice

3251 I-45 N., Ste. 100, Conroe 936-441-9000

Family Practice James E. Baker Jody Caldwell M. Vestal Caperton Randall V. Martin

5. Community Wellness Clinic

201 Enterprise Row, Ste. 12, Conroe 936-760-2784 www.cwcllp.com

Obstetrics and Gynecology Juan Caceres Kimberly Zobal

6. Conroe Family Doctor

508 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 300, Conroe 936-441-2012 www.conroefamilydoctor.com

Family Practice Trang Nguyen

7. Conroe Family Medicine

690 S. Loop 336 W., Ste. 222, Conroe 936-756-6661 www.conroefamilymedicine.com

Family Practice Christopher Chapman Samantha Hinds-Campa Jack Pieniazek Samson Sheih

8. Conroe Willis Family Medicine 4015 I-45 N., Ste. 220, Conroe 936-441-1122 www.cwfamilymed.com

Family Medicine Robert Jeremy Laningham

9. Family Healthcare Affiliates

800 Riverwood Court, Ste. 105, Conroe 936-760-4454

Family Practice Kara Kern Maribeth Moore

10. Family Medicine Associates 2236 N. Loop 336 W., Conroe 936-441-2003 www.conroefamilymed.com

Family Practice Gregg Hallbauer

11. Miguel Flores, family practice

804 W. Dallas St., Ste. 4, Conroe 936-760-2300

12. Healing Internal Medicine Clinic

600 River Pointe Drive, Ste. 100, Conroe 936-446-2227 www.himccare.com

Internal Medicine Adeel Afzal

13. Herrin Pediatric Clinic

601 River Pointe Drive, Ste. 120, Conroe 936-788-6060 www.herrinpediatricclinic.com

Pediatrics James Herrin

14. Houston Methodist Primary Care Group-Montgomery 21105 Eva St., Ste. 100, Montgomery 936-597-8585 www.houstonmethodist.org

Family Practice M. Shane Simpson Steven Stowers

15. Lake Area Pediatrics 18059 Hwy. 105 W., Ste. 130, Montgomery 936-582-5620 www.lakeareapediatrics.com

Pediatrics Murray Fershtman J. Stephen Robinson

16. Lake Conroe Medical Clinic 19830 Hwy. 105 W., Ste. 531, Montgomery 936-448-2121 www.pcpforlife.com

Family Practice Munib Daudjee Najmuddin Karimjee

17. Lone Star Family Health Center 605 S. Conroe Medical Drive, Conroe 936-539-4004 www.lonestarfamily.org

Family Practice Marwan Al-Khudhair Kenneth Davis Pamela Ferry Christina Ho Adel Ibrahim Lata Joshi Daniel Porter Jonathan Santos Ra Nae Stanton

Obstetrics and Gynecology Yvette Gordon Mark Nichols

18. Wayne McAfee, gynecology 100 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 100, Conroe 936-321-7733

19. Memorial Hermann Medical Group-Conroe 690 S. Loop 336 W., Ste. 140, Conroe 936-270-6000 www.memorialhermann.org

Family Practice Nota Hunter

20. Montgomery County Lung Clinic 4110 Commercial Circle, Conroe 936-756-2488

Internal Medicine Edward Flores John Griffin

21. Montgomery Physician Associates 18059 Hwy. 105 W., Ste. 120, Montgomery 936-760-7880 www.montgomeryphysicianassociates.com

Internal Medicine Nimesh Patel Gary Sharpless

22. Neudorf Infectious Diseases Clinic 600 River Pointe Drive, Ste 100, Conroe 936-539-0090 www.neudorfidclinic.com

Internal Medicine Sarah Miller

23. New Beginnings OB-GYN

500 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 222, Conroe 936-441-8635 www.newbeginningsob-gyn.com

Obstetrics and Gynecology Rania Ibrahim

24. OB-GYN Associates of Conroe 601 River Pointe Drive, Ste. 130, Conroe 936-756-7788 www.robertsobgyn.com

Obstetrics and Gynocology Richard Roberts

25. Pediatric Healthcare of Northwest Houston 690 S. Loop 336 W., Ste. 110, Conroe 936-539-8190 www.pediatrichealthcarenw.com

Pediatrics Khozema Palanpurwala Marcelina Rupley

26. Primary Care Specialists 100 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 110, Conroe 936-760-4435

Pediatrics Yousuf Ahmed

27. Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Associates

100 Medical Center Blvd.,Ste. 224, Conroe 936-242-6957 www.txlungdoc.com

Internal Medicine Ashesh Desai

28. Solace Women’s Care

690 S. Loop 336 W., Ste. 220, Conroe 936-441-7100 www.solacewomenscare.com

Obstetrics and Gynocology Farly Sejour

29. John Startz, internal medicine 100 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. 104, Conroe 936-756-2888

30. Texas Children’s Pediatrics-Conroe 404 River Pointe Drive, Ste. 100, Conroe 936-756-8108 www.texaschildrenspediatrics.org/conroe

Pediatrics Lesley Gardiner Charles McPherson Portia Moore Melissa Prihoda Marjorie Quarles Katherine Taxis

The doctors listed in this directory all take appointments and practice medicine in the fields of family practice, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics. This list may not be comprehensive.