The San Marcos CISD board of trustees meets at 6 p.m.
The board will hear a presentation on the district’s new
two-way dual-language program, which will be introduced in the 2017-18 school year. The board will also consider selecting a site for the district’s seventh elementary school. The meeting takes place at the Central Administration Building, 501 S. LBJ Drive, San Marcos. The agenda can be viewed
The Hays CISD board of trustees meets at 5:30 p.m.
The board will consider a $10 increase to the amount the district contributes to employees’ health care costs. The total contribution from the district will be $351 per employee if approved. The board will also consider selecting a bond project manager for the 2017-18 school year. The bond project manager will oversee projects related to the $250 million bond approved by voters in May. The meeting takes place at the Lehman High School Cafeteria, 1700 Lehman Road, Kyle. The agenda can be viewed
The Hays County Commissioners Court meets Tuesday at 9 a.m.
The court meets to discuss appointments to the board of the new Emergency Services District No. 9, which includes portions of eastern Hays County. The court will also discuss potential support for the 2017 Rainwater Festival. The agenda can be viewed
San Marcos City Council meets Tuesday at 5 p.m.
Council will discuss proposed amendments to the city’s charter. Among the amendments to be discussed are changes related to financial disclosures and stronger language regarding nepotism. Council will also consider creation of a two-hour parking limit throughout downtown. The meeting takes place at City Hall, 601 E. Hopkins St., San Marcos. The agenda can be viewed
Buda City Council meets Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.
Council will meet to discuss and potentially adopt its new unified development code, which guides various aspects of development, including building materials, land use and flooding requirements. Council will also receive a post-event presentation on the 2017 Buda Lions Club Country Fair and Wiener Dog Races, which were held in April. The agenda can be viewed
Kyle City Council meets Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Council will receive a presentation on the progress of bond projects from the 2013 bond issuance that addressed work on five roads. The extension of Marketplace Avenue was funded by the bond and was completed in 2016. The city anticipates work beginning on Lehman Road later this year. Council will also discuss items related to the Blanco River Ranch, a new subdivision planned west of Kyle near FM 150. The agenda can be viewed
Hays County hosts a public forum related to updated voting equipment from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday
The Hays County Election Equipment Advisory Committee is considering two vendors for new election equipment. The two vendors, Hart and ES&S will show off their voting equipment and answer questions at the forum. The need for new equipment became apparent after technical glitches caused more than 1,800 ballots to go uncounted during the November election. The meeting takes place at the Hays County Government Center, 712 S. Stagecoach Trail, San Marcos.
The city of San Marcos launches a preview of its new website June 21
The city will host a pre-launch preview and web chat for its new website June 21, one day before the full launch of the website June 22. The preview and web chat will be hosted on the city’s Facebook page at