More than 8,700 Spring ISD parents, students and staff members responded to a survey in April gauging their perceptions of school quality and safety. The information will be gathered every year from the 2015-16 school year to the 2019-20 school year as part of its five-year strategic plan, SISD Chief Communications Officer Tiffany Dunne-Oldfield said. The data collected will help schools identify areas for improvement. “While we are proud of these results and the year-over-year improvements that were seen in several areas, we know we still have work to do,” SISD Superintendent Rodney E. Watson said. “We’re committed to using the community input provided through this survey to continue our good work and make additional progress where it is needed.” Dunne-Oldfield said last year's input shed light on the district's application of discipline, which all three stakeholder groups perceived as uneven in last year's survey. Discipline will now form part of this year's summer staff training. This year the student survey participation rate, which includes feedback from intermediate and high school students, was lower than the previous year, Dunne-Oldfield said. The rate was only about half of what it was the previous year, she said. In the 2017-18 survey the district will strive to encourage a higher participation rate among students to more accurately reflect their concerns, she said. Dunne-Oldfield said she will present some of the survey results at the next regular SISD board of trustees meeting at 7 p.m. June 13 at 16717 Ella Blvd., Houston. Here are a few statements and how different groups responded to them: “This school is safe.” Parents: 80% agree or strongly agree Students : 41% disagree or strongly disagree “There is a teacher, counselor or other staff member to whom a student can go for help with a school problem.” Staff: 94% agree or strongly agree Students: 77% agree or strongly agree “Teachers set high expectations for all students.” Students: 70% agree or strongly agree Parents: 21% disagree or strongly disagree