The project in Round Rock will provide enhancements to 2.3 miles of I-35 from SH 45 N to Hwy. 79. Work includes the reconstruction of northbound and southbound frontage road intersections at I-35 and Hwy. 79, the addition of a third left-turn lane from westbound Hwy. 79 to southbound I-35, and the construction of braided ramps on northbound I-35 between Hester’s Crossing Road and RM 620, in an effort to relieve bottleneck issues. Timeline: July 2016-early 2019
The Heatherwilde Boulevard widening project provides for reconstruction and widening of the two-lane road into a four-lane, divided roadway with raised medians, turn lanes, drainage improvements and pedestrian facilities. Work was from just north of East Pflugerville Parkway to just south of SH 45 N. Improvements also include landscaping. Timeline: February 2016-mid-2017
Williamson County is extending Arterial H to Sam Bass Road, including the design of four lanes for Arterial H. Timeline: June 2016-fall 2017
RM 620 widening The 2.74-mile segment of roadway in Round Rock will be widened from four to six lanes and will include new curbs and gutters and a raised median. The segment will include construction of left- and right-turn lanes, culverts, water-quality facilities, retaining walls and the construction of a sidewalk on the north side of RM 620. Status: Work to widen the road is underway with occasional lane shifts. Timeline: January 2017-spring 2018 Cost: $6 million Funding sources: Williamson County, Texas Department of Transportation
Weiss Lane improvements The project will repair all bridges on Weiss Lane from East Pecan Street to Cele Road starting with the one-lane bridge near East Pecan. It will expand the road from two lanes to four, adding turn lanes and shoulders as well as improving drainage with storm drain facilities and curbs and gutters. Status: Reconstruction of the bridge closest to Pecan has begun. Other bridges are being reconstructed from Pecan to Cele. Timeline: March 2017-fall 2018 Cost: $6.7 million Funding sources: city of Pflugerville
Sun Light Near Way expansion The Sun Light Near Way portion of the Helios Way West project includes expanding the existing two-lane roadway from East Pecan to Helios. The roadway is classified as a collector and consists of one lane in each direction with a two-way central turn lane and designated turns at the Helios intersection. Status: The road was closed to traffic to begin widening work in May. Timeline: May-August Cost: TBD Funding sources: Travis County, city of Pflugerville
East Pecan Street widening East Pecan Street from SH 130 east to Weiss Lane is being reconstructed into a three-lane roadway with curbs and gutter and a sidewalk, and roadway rehabilitation will occur from Weiss Lane to Cameron Road. The project is two lanes in each direction with selected median openings. Status: The north lane is closed, and westbound traffic uses the middle lane east of the SH 130 bridge with crews working and shifting traffic. Timeline: September 2016-June 2017 Cost: $1.8 million Funding sources: city of Pflugerville
I-35 at FM 3406/Old Settlers Boulevard improvements The project will replace and widen the Old Settlers Boulevard bridge, construct two new U-turn bridges—one in each direction—and make bicycle and pedestrian enhancements. The project is designed to reduce bottlenecks and improve travel times at the I-35 and Old Settlers intersection in Round Rock. Status: Drainage work is underway to prepare for the new bridge and road widening. Timeline: March 2017-spring 2019 Cost: $12.4 million Funding sources: TxDOT
CR 110 South improvements The project includes improvements to approximately 2.2 miles of CR 110 between Hwy. 79 and Limmer Loop. It will upgrade the existing two-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway, which is half of an ultimate six-lane roadway. Status: Utility work and clearing for the extra lane is underway. Timeline: March 2017-September 2018 Cost: $27 million Funding sources: Williamson County
Helios Way West extension The Helios Way West project consists of the extension of Helios west of Sun Light Near Way with a connection to East Pecan Street. The roadway will provide two lanes in each direction with selected median openings as designed. Status: The road has been constructed and is being used as a detour for traffic with the closure of Sun Light Near Way. The right lane of eastbound East Pecan has been closed near the project for work on Sun Light Near Way. Timeline: November 2016-August Cost: TBD Funding sources: Travis County, city of Pflugerville
All information on this page was updated as of 5/24/17. News or questions about these or other local transportation projects? Email us at [email protected].