Eudybelles Furniture Consignment resale shop in Missouri City’s Township Square is teeming with new and old furnishings for the home, from antique wooden desks to modern decorations and furniture.
Owner Debra Lyman opened the shop in 2013 and has seen different types of home decor find new owners by passing through her store.
“I can appreciate all types of furniture, both the antique and the modern,” Lyman said.
Lyman has lived in Missouri City for over 30 years. She said because there is so much movement in the area, there is great demand for second-hand items and also a need to get rid of things around the house.
“There are first-time homebuyers; there are people downsizing,” she said. “It’s a great area for finding all types of different things. I’m basically servicing my neighbors.”
Before going into business for herself, Lyman worked in the mortgage banking business for 30 years. When the bank she worked for was bought in 2011 and its jobs were moved to Florida, Lyman worked for two years as a consultant before she decided to leave the industry to do something that was more creative.
“I looked at it as an opportunity to do something creative that I wanted to do,” Lyman said.
The store is named after Lyman’s grandmother on her father’s side. “She loved to decorate around the house,” Lyman said.
Lyman opened her first consignment store, a smaller shop, in 2013 in a small strip mall on FM 1092 just north of Township Square. She moved to her current location in December for the extra space it offered.
The bulk of the Eudybelles merchandise is furniture and home decorations, everything from lamps to vases to paintings.
Lyman said her favorite part of the business is when she is able to give people advice and ideas for decorating their homes.
“I love to decorate,” she said.
Eudybelles Furniture
3434 FM 1092, Ste. 325, Missouri City 281-969-8461 Hours: Mon. -Fri.10:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m., closed Sundays