Correction, Wednesday, 12:40 p.m.: This story has been corrected to reflect that citizens hosted the elections meeting Monday night.
The San Marcos CISD board of trustees meets tonight at 6 p.m.
The board will discuss salary increases for district manual and clerical workers and will consider approving funding options for the purchase of new district equipment at the meeting. The board will also hold a workshop to work through the district’s $107.3 million bond, which was approved by voters in May. The meeting takes place at the Central Administration building, 501 S. LBJ Drive, San Marcos.
Citizens hosts a forum to review election concerns and new electronic voting equipment being considered for purchase
After voting irregularities occurred during the November 2016 election, county officials set in motion a process to review election procedures and consider the purchase of new voting equipment. Citizens are hosting a forum Monday night from 6:45-8:30 p.m. to discuss the issues and equipment. The meeting takes place at the VFW Hall, 1701 Hunter Road, San Marcos.
Hays County Commissioners court meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday
The court will discuss a change in the scope of work for a road project on FM 2770 in Kyle. Initial plans called for the road project to accommodate at 25-year storm event—or a storm that has a 4 percent chance of occurring in a given year. But during design of the project, it was found that for a small increase in the construction price the project could contain a 100-year storm event—or a storm with a 1 percent chance of occurring in a given year. The meeting takes place at the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San Antonio St., San Marcos. The agenda can be viewed
San Marcos City Council meets at 5 p.m. Tuesday
Council will discuss the city’s long-range planning efforts and the adoption schedule for Code SMTX, the city’s new land development code. Council will also receive the final report from the San Marcos Charter Review Commission including recommended amendments to the city’s charter. The meeting takes place at City Hall, 630 E. Hopkins St., San Marcos. The agenda can be viewed
Buda City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday
The council will meet to consider a resolution that would allow the city to ban concealed or openly carried handguns into an area that house a public meeting. The council will also discuss the city’s housing action plan and the guaranteed maximum price for the bond-funded city municipal facilities being built on Main Street. The agenda can be viewed
Kyle City Council meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday
Council will discuss a proposed city sidewalk maintenance program. Three options are included in the meeting agenda for the program. One option would see the city shoulder the entire cost of maintaining sidewalks throughout the city. Two of the options would see the property owner shoulder the cost of maintaining sidewalks. Council will also consider approving the creation of a public improvement district for the Blanco River Ranch subdivision. The agenda can be viewed
Community Impact Newspaper hosts grand opening of its new print facility from 3-6 p.m. Tuesday
Community Impact Newspaper is hosting an open house for its new $10 million printing facility, one of only four such printing presses in the world. The event includes tours of the facility, food and beverages. The event takes place at 16121 Impact Way, Pflugerville.
The Texas Water Safari begins Saturday at Spring Lake
The marathon canoe race begins at 9 a.m. at Spring Lake, 201 San Marcos Springs Drive, and takes competitors to Corpus Christi. The race is 260 miles and must be completed within 100 hours. For more information, call the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University, 512-245-7557.