Transportation Updates

1. FM 1626 improvements

The portion of FM 1626 from FM 967 to FM 2770 will be improved to include five lanes with a continuous center turn lane and shoulders. The $20.56 million project is aimed at improving safety and mobility on the road. In early May construction crews were relocating utilities within the project area and installing box culverts.

Timeline: November 2016-late 2018

2. Bunton Creek Road reconstruction

Construction on Bunton Creek Road began Sept. 23. The city of Kyle plans to reconstruct the 1-mile portion of Bunton Creek from I-35 to Lehman Road. Reconstruction of the road began in late November. In late April, Project Manager Jo Ann Garcia said the road will likely be open to traffic by September. The $3.8 million project is being funded through the city’s 2013 bond issuance.

Timeline: September 2016-September 2017

3. Goforth Road expansion

Work on Goforth Road, which will be expanded to include two to three lanes in areas between I-35 and Bunton Creek Road, began in April 2016. The $6.6 million project is being funded through Kyle’s 2013 bond issuance. In late April, Project Manager Jo Ann Garcia said the city expects the project to be complete in June.

Timeline: April 2016-June 2017

4. Sessom Drive improvements

The $2.5 million project includes reconstruction of the intersection of State Street and Sessom Drive, stabilization of erosive conditions in Sessom Creek, and addition and widening of sidewalks from Aquarena Springs Drive to North LBJ Drive on both sides of Sessom Drive. In late April, construction began on the bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The project is being funded by the city of San Marcos and Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Timeline: spring 2017-early 2018

5. RM 967 and Main Street turn lanes

At a meeting April 18, Buda City Council approved conceptual design plans for improvements to the intersection of FM 967 and Main Street. The improvements include creation of a pedestrian area on sidewalks adjacent to the project, underground relocation of overhead utilities, and addition of dedicated westbound FM 967 turn lanes and dedicated thru lanes.

Timeline: Project starts early 2018