Water restrictions are at stage 2 in the city of Pflugerville which means residents and businesses will now be required to use a two-day watering schedule that allows car washing before 10 a.m. and after 7 p.m. on the residents’ designated water days. Residential homes with an odd number are to water on Wednesday and Saturday, while those with an even number are asked to water Thursday and Sunday. No watering is allowed on Mondays, while commercial facilities, including apartments, condominiums, civic, commercial, industrial and institutional properties are scheduled Tuesday and Friday. All water customers are required to comply with the conservation schedule. “Our citizens are really good about complying with the restrictions," Director of Public Works James Wills said at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. “We will work with them and help them reset a timer if needed so they are in compliance.” Wills said confirmed violations will first receive a yellow door-hanger warning of the restrictions. The second offense warrants a red door-hanger and visit from city staff. The third violation is a certified letter with a $100 administrative fee on the next water bill. The fourth time means the water will be shut off at the address. Willis said the last time a stage 2 water restriction was implemented, no red warnings were issued. Violations may be reported to the Pflugerville Public Works Department at 512-990-6400 or at www.pfreshwater.com.