Williamson County District Attorney Shawn Dick was back in front of the Williamson County Commissioners Court on Tuesday.
At the
March 7 meeting, commissioners agreed to fund a temporary discovery clerk position, which would help with pretrial work, using $10,000 of unallocated funds. Overtime pay for investigators working on a backlog of around 200 DA cases and files to be funded out of unallocated law enforcement funds was also approved.
Dick, who took office in January after defeating Jana Duty in the Republican primary, returned to request moving some budgeted funds around to increase salaries and create more available funds.
After almost an hour of discussion, Precinct 1 Commissioner Terry Cook made a motion, but she did not receive a second.
Precinct 3 Commissioner Valerie Covey expressed some concern with Dick addressing the court for the
third time.
“I am disappointed that I am seeing this on the agenda again when I thought we had taken care of it three weeks ago," Covey said.
Dick said he is trying to get his office back on track and keep up with demand, including the backlog of DA cases.
“I have tried to find some ways to save money; I am willing to come here as many weeks as it takes to fund these positions," Dick said. "I am using my own budget. We had a very abnormal couple of years. To come into an office in complete chaos and try to get it back on track, this is what it is going to take.”
The line item transfers to officially fund the part-time position and overtime pay approved at the March 7 meeting will appear on the agenda for approval next week.