ORN Here are the three major things that were established during last night’s meeting: 1.Budget for the police department  The Oak Ridge North City Council approved a motion to add funds for major repairs for the Oak Ridge North Police Department, as well as increase the FY 2017 capital improvements budget for the police building to include furnishings, utility work, demolition of the old building and an asphalt parking lot. "Folks, this is the police building we have out here—and we're finally finishing it and I guess we're going to have a open house in the near future,"  Mayor Jim Kuykendall said. "We just have to pay for it first." 2. Marilyn Edgar Park baseball field fencing The Oak Ridge North City Council approved a bid from Kingwood Fence Co. Inc. in the amount of $8,998.69 for the baseball field fencing at Marilyn Edgar Park. 3. General and special election  City Council members approved an ordinance declaring an unopposed race for city council Place 1, canceling the 2017 special election for the city. "As far as the special election for Place 1, the candidate is Paul Bond and it's uncontested, so we can cancel that election," said city secretary Laura Calcote. "There's only one place that is contested in the [general election] and that is Place 4."