A question for City Manager Laurie Hadley

How does the newly announced Kalahari development change the city? Kalahari’s presence puts Round Rock in the convention business, a new industry for the city, as well as the world-class water park and resort business.

Big decisions made in 2016

  • Economic development progress in approval of agreements for Kalahari Resorts and UPS distribution facility
  • Major transportation projects completed: downtown Round Rock and Creek Bend Boulevard extension
  • Public safety highlights include opening of two new fire stations, hiring of new fire chief and groundbreaking of Public Safety Training Facility
  • Major expansion of Rock’N River water park opened in the summer, and revenue was double what had been projected
  • Planning progress included 2,000 acres of annexation agreements secured in northeast Round Rock, and more than $200 million in value of commercial and residential construction was permitted
  • Four bond refundings will result in a combined $900,000 a year in interest savings for the city, and the city received two bond rating upgrades

Top issues for 2017

  • City will begin final round of projects approved by voters in 2013 bond election, including finding a location of new library.
  • The city will complete the zoning process for Kalahari Resorts.
  • The city will complete multipurpose fields at Old Settlers Park.
  • Transportation: rollout of expanded transit program and continued planning work on RM 620 and University Boulevard expansions.
  • The city will update its development code
  • The city plans completion of the expansion to Play for All Abilities Park
  • Several large construction projects are underway in the city, including a new public safety training center at 2701 N. Mays St.; the $22.5 million project will offer specialized training for Round Rock public safety officers along with other area departments.