McKinney ISD The 2015-16 McKinney ISD board of trustees is, from left: Stephanie O’Dell, Bobby Amick, (seated) Kathi Livezey, Superintendent Rick McDaniel (seated) , Amy Dankel, Lynn Sperry, Curtis Rippee (seated), and Maria McKinzie.[/caption]

Big decisions made in 2016

  • Completed all previous bond projects
    Prior to holding the 2016 bond election, district officials worked to complete all of the projects within the 2011 bond.

  • 2016 bond election
    In May, voters approved a $220 million bond election that included funding for facility renovations and construction of the new football and events stadium that broke ground in the fall.

Top issues for 2017

  • Renovations at McKinney High
    MISD will complete design and begin construction of the final improvements at McKinney High School.

  • High Reliability accreditation
    MISD will try to become a High Reliability School District, which is determined by: a collaborative culture; effective teaching; viable curriculum; standards-referenced reporting; and competency-based education.