The neighborhood is located along Longmire Road in Conroe. It has easy access to major highways and thoroughfares, including I-45, FM 1097 and Loop 336. Canyon Creek homes are zoned to Conroe ISD schools.

Build-out year: ongoing Builders include: David Weekley Homes, First America Homes Square footage: 1,681-3,556 Home values: $200,000-$450,000 HOA dues (estimated): $250 annually Amenities: sidewalks, homeowners association, street lighting Schools: Conroe ISD

Property taxes (in dollars):

City of Conroe 0.4200 Montgomery County 0.4767 Montgomery County  Hospital District  0.0725 Lone Star College System 0.1081 Conroe ISD 1.2800 Total (per $100 valuation) 2.3573

Canyon Creek, 77304           Although every effort has been made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of this data, Community Impact Newspaper assumes no liability for errors or omissions.