Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos addressed the Governor's Small Business Forum for Williamson County on Thursday.[/caption]
Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos was the featured speaker of the Governor’s Small Business Forum at Round Rock’s United Heritage Center on Thursday.
Several sessions about issues affecting small businesses ended with lunch and Cascos’ address, which came around to the North American Free Trade Agreement.
“There are going to be some changes regarding NAFTA,” he said. “That will affect every part of this state. It’s incumbent on us to reach out to President-elect [Donald] Trump about how NAFTA affects Texas. Will it be tweaked? Maybe it will.”
He said much has changed in the 22 years since NAFTA was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton.
“We need to be at the table when discussions are being had,” Cascos said.
Cascos also told attendees what potential residents and businesses look for when they move to Texas.
“They look for stability in local government,” said Cascos, a former Cameron County judge who was the first appointee of Gov. Greg Abbott. “They look for meetings conducted with respect, with courtesy. We need our environment to conducive to jobs and job creation.”
Cascos said those moving here look at infrastructure, services for children, grandparents, the quality of health care and the school district as important factors.
“We have a lot to be proud of in this state,” Cascos said. “We also have to accept the fact we have challenges. We must work to rectify and fix those challenges.”