Mills Branch is a Kingwood subdivision located near the intersection of West Lake Houston Parkway and Northpark Drive. It is situated near retail shopping outlets along Kingwood Drive, entertainment options on Northpark Drive and restaurant and retail options along West Lake Houston Parkway.
Square footage: 1,099-3,809 Home values: $135,100-$315,000 HOA dues: $440 annually (estimated) Amenities: Kingwood Country Club
Property taxes (in dollars): Humble ISD - 1.5200 Harris County - 0.4192 Harris County Flood Control District - 0.0273 Port of Houston Authority - 0.0134 Harris County Hospital District - 0.1700 Harris County Dept. of Education - 0.0054 N. Harris-Montgomery College Dist -. 0.1079 City of Houston - 0.6011 Total (per $100 valuation) - 2.8643