With the goal of getting people to the airport quickly and with the lowest environment impact possible, Park&Zoom opened a 2,000-spot parking facility Thursday on the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport campus and will have a grand opening celebration Tuesday. Park&Zoom, located at 9518 Hotel Drive, offers covered parking, a shuttle service to and from the terminal, and accommodations for bikers. Park&Zoom has a partnership with the city of Austin to be the only private parking facility on the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport campus, said Jim Halbrook, Austin Aviation Department’s public information and marketing program manager. “The airport had the land and [Park&Zoom] developed it at their own cost, he said. “They get the revenue for being in operation and share some of that with the airport.” As opposed to the airport’s surface lots, the Park&Zoom lot is covered, and the lot is closer to the terminal than the other privately owned parking lots in the area, he said. Because the project’s investors, management and designers are all local, Park&Zoom President Brad Scott said his company incorporated environmentally conscious components into the project's plans. For example, Scott said his company created an underground detention pond capable of handling a 100-year storm. Runoff is collected underneath the parking lot, pumped through a filtration system and pumped back into the Colorado River, he said. Other green innovations involve the use of motion-triggered LED lights that run at 50 percent power unless someone is using the facility, the inclusion of electric-vehicle charge stations at the lot, and a fleet of low-emission airport shuttles, Scott said. Park&Zoom also offers free bike parking and complementary showers for those interested in walking or biking to the airport, he said. “There are walking and bike paths from the city to the airport, so what we’ve done is put in showers and lockers,” Scott said. “If somebody is going to bike here, we’re not going to charge them. Just bring your own bike lock.” Even with the advanced technologies, General Manager Bill Kelly said speed and convenience are still the main reasons people are interested in the company. “Everybody wants to get to the airport as quickly as possible,” he said. “We’ll get you there faster.” Scott said he expects Bark&Zoom, an accompanying pet hotel, to open March 2017.