Spring Creek Forest subdivision, located in Harris County, is in proximity to restaurants and entertainment venues. The subdivision includes a swimming pool, a clubhouse, tennis courts and a baseball field. Spring Creek Forest also features a garden club and yard of the month.

Build-out year: 1982
Median home value: $229,450
HOA dues (estimated): $400-$593
Amenities: swimming pool, a clubhouse, tennis courts, baseball field
Schools: Klein ISD

Property taxes (in dollars):
North Harris-Montgomery College Dist. - 0.11
Harris County - 0.42
Harris County Dept. of Education - 0.01
Harris County ESD No. 11 - 0.04
Harris County ESD No. 16 - 0.05
Harris County Flood Control District - 0.03
Harris County Hospital District - 0.17
Klein ISD - 1.41
Port of Houston Authority - 0.01
Spring Creek Forest PUD - 0.47
Total (per $100 valuation) - 2.72

Featured Neighborhood: Spring Creek Forest