Through two days, early voting in Hays County has far exceeded numbers from the 2012 general election. On Monday, the first day of early voting, 4,726 registered voters cast ballots in Hays County. That is nearly 33 percent more than on the first day of early voting in 2012, when 3,556 voters cast ballots. Yesterday, 4,321 registered voters cast ballots in Hays County, representing a 33.2 percent increase over the second day of early voting in 2012, when 3,244 voters went to polls in the county. Here is the full list of cast ballots at each of the county’s early voting polling locations.


Hays County Government Center-943 Hays County Precinct 2 office-965 Hays County Precinct 4 office-974 Hays County Health Department-301 LBJ Student Center-730 Wimberley Community Center-813 Total-4,726


Hays County Government Center-897 Hays County Precinct 2 office-621 Hays County Precinct 4 office-854 Hays County Health Department-326 LBJ Student Center-777 Wimberley Community Center-846 Total-4,321 Check here for a full list of early voting and Election Day polling locations throughout the county.