The Texas Department of Transportation broke ground on an extensive $79 million road improvement project on I-35 from Stassney Lane to William Cannon Drive on June 29.

Improvements planned for the 3.2-mile project area include: Reconstructing bridge structures and building new U-turns at Stassney and William Cannon, reconstructing frontage road bridges over Williamson Creek, widening main lanes to incorporate shoulders and extended entrance and exit lanes, reconfiguring ramps, improving bicycle and pedestrian access, and adding new safety and high mast lighting.

The project is funded with money voters statewide approved in 2014.

Construction is expected to last through winter 2019-20.

The project is part of an initiative by  TxDOT, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the city of Austin called Mobility35. The initiative was conceived in 2011.

At the June 29 ground breaking, state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin, said the group of projects in the Mobility35 program is the largest effort ever to make meaningful improvements to I-35 in Central Texas ever since the road was built more than 50 years ago.

“Collectively, the individual projects will transform 65 miles of I-35 into a smart and efficient highway,” Watson said.