Cedar Park continues education campaign for water restrictionsOn April 28, City Council received an update on the city’s public education campaign for its watering restrictions. 

Nanette McCartan, city utility programs manager, and Jennie Huerta, city media and communications manager, highlighted public education strategies to inform residents about Stage 2 watering restrictions and higher fee rates for increased water consumption.

“[It’s] important to get an education platform out there,” Council Member Jon Lux said. “If we educate, maybe we can avoid a spike in water usage."

Stage 2 allows residents to water their lawns twice per week.

McCartan said letters have been sent to Cedar Park businesses to remind them of the restriction.

The city’s media and communications and utility departments are collaborating on a redesign of resident water bills to be “more simplistic and clear,” she said. Water utility bills will now include an insert to assist residents with what fees are included in the bill, as well as information about how bills are calculated.

Huerta said outreach includes an educational video, which is available on the city’s YouTube channel. More information is available at www.waterthriftycedarpark.org and www.cedarparktexas.gov.