1. Hwy. 29 repaving
Two sections of Hwy. 29 will be repaved this spring. The Texas Department of Transportation awarded a construction contract to Ramming Paving to seal and add an asphalt overlay between Cedar Hollow Road and River Chase Boulevard west of I-35 and between NE Inner Loop and FM 1660 east of I-35. Paving is expected to begin near the end of spring.
Timeline: spring-early fall 2016 Cost: $3.5 million Funding sources: TxDOT
2. Mays Street extension
The city of Georgetown is waiting the final acquisition of right of way to construct Mays Street from the intersection of Oakmont and Bass Pro drives in Round Rock to the intersection of Westinghouse and Rabbit Hill roads. Oakmont in Round Rock will eventually be renamed Mays upon completion of Williamson County’s plans to extend Mays north from Paloma to Oakmont drives in Round Rock. The two projects will create a continuous roadway from Hesters Crossing in Round Rock to Westinghouse in Georgetown.
Timeline: summer 2016-spring 2017 Cost: $10 million (includes construction, design, engineering and right of way costs for the Georgetown portion) Funding sources: city of Georgetown South Georgetown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone and city of Round Rock
Roadway widening[/caption]3. Snead Drive
Construction continues on the city of Georgetown’s project to widen Snead Drive from SE Inner Loop to Airborn Circle. The project, which is expected to provide infrastructure for economic development in the area, also includes wastewater infrastructure improvements and the relocation of a water line crossing Snead. Sewer line construction is ongoing, and the water line relocation has been completed.
Timeline: November-summer 2016 Cost: $1.8 million Funding sources: city of Georgetown
Project update[/caption]4. Georgetown Municipal Airport improvements
The Texas Transportation Commission, which oversees TxDOT, awarded about $8.3 million to the Georgetown airport in January for planned airport improvements. Airport revenues will fund about $830,000 of the improvements, which include safety improvements, including paving taxiways, runway upgrades, brush clearing, lighting upgrades and constructing a new above-ground fuel facility as well as updating the airport’s master plan. The city expects to select a consultant to complete the master plan update this summer and complete the updates by summer 2018.
Timeline: TBD Cost: TBD Funding sources: city of Georgetown, TxDOT